Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Profit Clicking

Profit Clicking is an extremely powerful system. In fact, it is so powerful, it’s popularity has gone out of control and over 5000 people join the profit clicking system on a daily basis.
The reason for the masses of people joining the system is because every single person makes money! There is not a single active member who doesn’t.
It won’t even cost you anything to use this system and yet you will still make money. I’ll explain later.
Some members are making $300 per day while other are making well in excess of $1000 per day. Some even exceed $10k per day.
Once you understand how the system works, you’ll realize just how much money you (personally) will make.
I haven’t really found a decent explanation of the profit clicking system and this is the reason why I sat down to write all about it in as much detail as possible. This page simply introduces you to the basics and the potential. See the other pages linked from the sidebar for the full explanation.
As a Profit Clicking member, you don’t have to do much. You don’t need to promote anything or recruit people or advertise. Your only real commitment is to view several member web pages every day.
Conversely, you are also able to show your own website (if you have one) to other members (if you want to).
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First, you will need to purchase a product for $10.
The product you receive for your 10 bucks is “1000 Advertising Credits“. This means, you get to display your own website to 1000 members (and maybe sell them something with an offer).
This is what your $10 buys you. It buys you 1000 eyeballs to your website. It is a good product and members have experienced sales on their own websites just by buying these advertising credits.
But here is the interesting part. When you pay your $10, you get a lot more than you bargained for. In addition to your advertising credits, you also receive something called a Ad-Package Position. You can have many ad-package positions at the same time because you may have bought many advertising credit units at the same time.
An ad-package position can be thought of as a stake in the company (even though it’s not). So you have bought yourself a share of the company and as a result, the profit clicking company shares its profits with you.
How much? Well, for every position (ad-pack) you hold, the company will give you 2% of it every weekday and 1% of it on the weekends.
So, if you bought one ad-package for $10, you would start getting 2% from the very next day. Two percent of $10 is $0.20c. Not a big deal right? It’s nothing to get excited about just yet.
Going at this rate, after 88 days, your original $10 position will be worth $15. In other words, you have just made 1.5 times your initial purchase after 88 days. This is the point when your position comes to an end. It expires on the 88th day after it has paid you the $15 for your position. Earn money with Payza
So turning $10 to $15 over a long period of 88 days doesn’t sound so appealing. So then how is it that people are making thousands of dollars a day with this system?
The answer is simple. Buy hundreds or thousands of positions (ad-packages)!If you had say 1000 positions ($10 each), you would make $15000 after 88 days.
“But I don’t have enough money for 10 positions, let alone one thousand” I hear you say.
The beauty is, you don’t need to inject any extra cash to buy more positions.
The 2% which you get paid every day can be withdrawn at any time. You can withdraw it every day if you like. But when you have accumulated enough money to buy another position, you can simply click a button and that profit will be converted into an extra position. Now you have more positions making more money for you, which compounds your earnings. Then, when you have another $10, you buy another position and so on…
So if you started with just one position for $10 and then bought another position as soon as you had accrued $10 in profits, now you would be earning $0.40c per day instead of the original $0.20c (with only one position). Then when you buy your third position, you’ll be making $0.60c per day and so on…
This is assuming you started out with just one position. Nobody does that normally. It’s always wise to start with a minimum of $100 while the ideal would be anything above $500.
This way, you’ll hit the ground running and be making a good daily amount to begin with, on which you will compound with additional positions.
If you start with $500, you’ll make a $10 profit every day to begin with. This means, you can buy one new position every day from the very beginning. Do you know what this means? If you keep re-investing your profits into buying new positions, after one full year, you will be earning approximately $700 per day (every weekday). Weekends are abysmal – you’ll only make around $520 a day. This is assuming nothing else affects your positions like “profitshifts” (explained on another page).
Do you realize the gravity of what this means? As you continue to re-invest your profits, you’ll award yourself a very large pay day – every single day! This is not a pie-in-the-sky dream. This is real! Thousands of people are doing it right now and there’s no reason why you or anyone else can’t do the same. After all, you don’t need to do anything other than put money in and keep re-investing. You don’t need to advertise or promote anything or sell anything. You would just do exactly as everyone else does to make silly money every day. Re-invest!
Eventually, you’ll be buying hundreds of positions every day, and making a thousand dollars a day won’t be such a big deal anymore.
This is it! This is the ad-package system and it is the main part of the Profit Clicking program and it’s here to stay. Whether you join the Profit Clicking group or not, members will continue to do what they do and continue to earn thousands daily. It just doesn’t feel nice to be left out, sitting on the sidelines whilst everybody else makes money around you.
But there’s more…
The ad-package system is enough to make someone very wealthy indeed. But if that isn’t enough, there is a separate system within the profit clicking program, known as “The Matrix“. It’s also known as PC-Panel Program. Entering the matrix (PC Panel Program) allows you to make additional profits which add up over time.
For now, understand that the matrix allows you to make additional money.
The matrix also works on the same system as the ad-package system where you buy advertising credits and you are given positions. But this time, you get a position within the matrix and not within the ad-package part of the program.
Each position costs $20 in the matrix. After a certain amount of time, you will receive$60 back.
Imagine if you had just 150 positions in the matrix. 150 X $60 = $9000
There are 2 main ways you can enter into the matrix. Either you can simply buy a PC-Panel (a position) within the matrix for $20 or you can make use of something you already have (or you can be like Neo and lie on a chair with a spike in your neck to get you there).
Let me explain…
Do you remember that your ad-package positions expire after 88 days (after they have paid you $15 for each position)? Well, when a position expires, that’s the end of its life. It doesn’t do anything for you anymore.
But, if you are willing to pay $15 every 3 months (stupidly minimal), then every 4th expired ad-package position will go on to become a position for you within the matrix, for FREE!
You don’t have to do any work for it or even pay for the matrix (PC Panel) position. It’s given to you because of your $15 quarterly subscription. You also get an info product for your subscription, but that’s secondary. In addition to this, you also get an advertising credit (1000 eyeballs) for your matrix position. The main point is, you get to enter the matrix for free with every 4th expired ad-package position.
Once your expired positions enter the matrix, you don’t need to do anything. Leave them alone and after some time, they will spit out $60 each. It really adds up when you have a large number of matrix positions.
The matrix is a bonus system to the ad-package system. Even if the matrix wasn’t there, the ad-package earnings would be more than sufficient for high earnings. But, the matrix is what keeps the system alive and running well. See my detailed pages for an in-depth explanation on the matrix.
Now, if you’re a real hard nut and still not satisfied with the ad-package and the matrix, then you’ll love this third system for earning. If 2 fantastic systems are just not going to cut it for you, then this should drive the point home.
Remember I said that you don’t have to refer anybody to make money with profit clicking? Well, that is absolutely true as you now understand with the ad-package and matrix systems. But, that doesn’t mean that you can’t or shouldn’t refer people.
In fact, if you refer people to the profit clicking opportunity, the company will reward you very well indeed.
The company will pay you $1 for every position (advertising pack) bought by your referral.
So, for example, if you referred Jim to profit clicking, and he starts his account with $500, this means he has bought 50 positions. Therefore, you will receive $50 for this transaction of his. Now, during his lifetime, whenever he buys more positions, you will still get $1 for every position he purchases. Let’s assume Jim will re-invest all his profits for a period of one year (so he can withdraw $744 per day, as discussed earlier), this means he will be buying at least one new position every day, and later on, much more.
Over one year, he will have bought over 3700 positions which means you will pocket over $3700, just from Jim. What do you think will happen the following year?
Now, let’s say you introduce 30 people (and that is a very low number when I teach you how to refer people), imagine the amounts you will get from each one of them when they purchase more and more positions throughout their lifetime. Your income will grow and grow.
In fact, I know someone who has 2/3rds of his income coming from referrals alone, and he makes big bucks.
Just a few referrals can make a world of difference because you can use that income to buy even more positions for yourself.
In addition to this, the company will also pay you $0.50c for every position purchased by the referral of your referral.
So, for example, If Jim refers some people, say Lisa, Mike and Kevin, you will now make $0.50c for every position these 3 people buy. If they all start with 50 positions each, you’ve made $75 right there. Then you will continue to make money from Lisa, Mike and Kevin forever, whenever they buy a new position. Of course, Jim will make more money from these referrals because he referred them directly. You are simply getting a bonus from Jim’s efforts.
So there you have it. You have multiple systems within the profit clicking program which will allow anyone to become seriously wealthy and retire early.
I know everybody selling something uses lines like these, so much so, that they become cliche’s, but I’m sure you can see and realize how well this works. Just by looking at the system, you can tell that it will make you money. You don’t even need to put money in to make sure. You can see from the outside, with the way it is setup and the way it works, that it will generate money for you.
On top of that, you have the testimonial of thousands of people on the net, testifying to the amounts of money made with the profit clicking system (which use to be known as Just Been Paid). Earn money with Payza
The system is formulated in such a way that it’s impossible for the system to die down or fail. It’s set to be indefinitely sustainable, which means, it can’t ever go down.
In fact, there was a 1 million dollar reward for anyone who could prove that the system is not sustainable. The original creator of the system understood the mechanics of the system perfectly and therefore built a robust system.
The company also has a law firm which ensures that it meets all applicable laws while conducting the profit clicking program.
The company is not going to wait for you to put some money in and then shut the company down and run with your money. The fact that its indefinitely sustainable is a testament to its staying power. Furthermore, 800,000 people making money daily from the profit clicking program can’t all be wrong at the same time.
Alright then, if you are convinced by what I have written here, then you are readyto sign up and put some money into your account so you can start earning moneyby tomorrow.
You can start with as much or as little as you feel comfortable with, but remember, the more money you start off with, the faster you will get to a point where you’ll withdraw over a thousand dollars every day.
In fact, if you use the large button below to join, I’ve arranged to give you a free $10 position (1000 advertising credits) to start. That way, you can test the program out slowly, without any of your own money before you move ahead with full speed.

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